Friday, May 01, 2009

Why Gun Control Can Never Work 2

If you've been here within the past day or so, you'll now notice that I no longer have the Sean Hannity bit.
It's a bit tedious. He'll never do it. It would never be okay to do it to him.
It's just so nice to imagine old Chunkstyle worrying about it.
But we know - worrying involves thought... awareness.
I've beat the drum before about the utter futility of gun control - and I continually cite, as my thesis, the fact that ; "One cannot be deprived of weapons if one can make them"

Darra, in the Tribal Area of NW Pakistan. Ethnically I believe it's Pushtin although I have no idea what that means.
Someone let the Madogre know that the motto in the area is:
"Many sons and many guns".
Observe their casual - so different from the NRA norms - manner in handling these things.
I for one get tired of the world's boy scouts looking out for all of us and it blesses my heart to see a place where no seems to give a shit.
During some of the wider shots I saw several Vickers guns and the narrator displayed, at one point, a Lewis gun.
And $50 for a 9mm. Shit.
Oh wait, there aren't any options available and... the guys at the range will laugh.
Not a problem here. I don't go to the range.
What I do is; I buy the paper targets. Then, while I'm still at home, I poke myself some respectable-but-still-needs-work shots with a pencil.
There, the "which-end-of-the-bullet-goes-first" argument is done away with.
I check out my targets and, Hell, I can shoot! Adequately at least. Enough so I can get to the serious business of putting holes in things (or breaking things - things made of glass) which is what it's all about isn't it now.
I'll post some scans of my targets another time - as is the wont here on the 1rt3mmeeet5 these days. They're pretty impressive.
So, the guns of Darra (vs "The Guns of Brixton"): Maybe they're not for the stateside market...
But... for for guys like me (motto: "Not no standards - just low standards")
It's the shit.

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