Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stupid Fucking Mitch McConnell...

...thinks he has his hand out the car window and is wondering why it's not waving in the slipstream.
Yeah. I'm in a mood and I'm looking for stupids to take it out on.
Travon Martin, George Zimmerman; a perfect storm of gun-nut idiocy.
Now, my usual, favorite place to take the pulse of the brain-dead is at WTA (We The Armed) but those folks haven't discussed it much. Good for them.
However, on the far more popular Calguns forum, it's been on the agenda right along.
See threads:
Those are just the recent ones.
Calguns also has an alarming number of members that aren't idiots but... they're easy to skip past to get to the dumbass.
MadOgre hasn't weighed in on this yet but then he is still wearing the "new" off his new, non-embarrassing bike but maybe, just maybe, he has more class than that. That would be cool.
However Larry (Fucking) Correia rose to the occasion to offer some wisdom on the situation from his vast store of life experience (He is 35 you know! Hell, he's got two years on Jesus. 'Course that's the most recent age he's stated. He may be even older tomorrow. More than a day older, I mean. It depends on who he needs to impress).
I can't help it. Blowing shit at Larry is easy and fun. Good cardio.
Anyhoo, regardless of what any of these morons think, the reality is that a dumb-fuck, CCW holder, wannabe cop shot an unarmed 17 year-old.
And, for the record, he'd been that age for less than a month so, in my mind, he's still 16.
That's older than two of my kids and a butt-load younger than the rest.
Hell, between me and Mama, we've got five that beat out Zimmerman on birthdays.
Now,George obviously stepped (Stepped? He marched to Georgia) on his dick and I feel sincerely sorry for him but...
Ya buys your ticket, ya takes your chances.

This entire mess is further complicated by the obvious incompetence (collusion) exhibited buy the local PD but the bottom line remains the same.
This sawed-off twat, in some twisted version of being a "sheepdog", put an end to Trayvon's life and at the same time effectively ended his own.
Good job, Zimmerman!
So now I believe that, unless he's arrested, George will hang about, twisting in the wind, until he either gives his Kel-Tec 9mm a blow job or turns himself in. If I were him, those would be the options I'd be looking at.
Sucks to be him.
But in the middle of all this, a whole bunch dickheads who are somehow still able to look at themselves in the mirror, are jumping through their collective asshole right now trying to validate this mess because... well, if this had actually happened that way... then maybe all us assholes packing heat actually are just a bunch of loose cannon.
Can't have that!
But it did happen that way.
So... the kid must have deserved it... I mean, he was suspended from school for ten days.
And he posted "gangsta" pics of himself on Facebook! 'Course that was another kid named Travon Martin who is - praise the name of the Lord - still alive but, what does reality matter?
Even it had been our Trayvon's page, SO THE FUCK WHAT?
He was a kid for Christ's sake!
A kid.
And nobody'd better come back at me with any "You've never seen the kids I've seen" horseshit.
I ain't buying.
The idiotic "concealed carry" mentality just bit all of you on your fat, pimply asses - hard - and that's all.
Handle it.
To close I'd like to make the following clear:
Even though I'm in one of the vulnerable demographics - old white guys - I DO NOT WANT any self-styled pistoleros taking any interest whatsoever in my perceived "safety".
Don't "save" me. Let them mug/kill me.
Just stay the fuck out of it unless you're drawing a paycheck for protecting me.
I'll take my chances with the thugs, thank you very much.
Oh, a detail I found interesting:
When the cops confiscated Zimmerman's pistol they found it had a full magazine. Apparently he'd offed the kid with the one in the pipe.
So, this putz was driving around as the self-appointed "watch captain" (Leave Neighborhood Watch out of this. Dumbfuck had nothing to do with them) with a full mag and one in the chamber.
In this neighborhood.
Trayvon had taken LPC (leather personnel carrier) transportation almost two miles to a 7-11 and was near the end of his hike back when good ole' George thought to check whassup.
When ya' reckon George last walked four miles?
The map came from here where you'll find some street level pics as well.
Click on the map and it gets littler... and more coherent.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    The guy is such a pozer, no throwdown piece,sheesh rank amateur.
    He deserves to get what he gave.
