It's been a while since these bad boys were spoken of. It's been a while since any updates in aid of "The Bizz" have happened.
All that's due to change - along with prices so, fair warning.
During the time since I last posted there, two more members were added to the family.
This first was copied from a photo provided by a the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath.
On the website, the copy alongside referred to it as a set of "Boatswain's knuckles". I suspect that they simply belonged to a bo'son rather than having any serious, nautical provenance.
They're large and roomy like the Royal Armouries knucks (below) but are one-sided - index-finger must go in the index-finger hole, like the T-handle. Also it includes completely gratuitous knuckle points which take the form of blunted cones. Wicked.
Like the Classic T-handle, next of the Newbies was actually cast from an original; one with a story:
Said story being: the, unexpected, Spanish-American War (Nobody expects the Spanish-American War! Oh, wait...).
The original is pictured above. It's a pretty standard, screaming-monkey design but larger than the classic monkey and with no hard edges anywhere. Very comfy.
The coolness factor comes to the fore with the inscription.
One side (Top photo) reads: "W. Samuels. 1898" while below is stamped "Cuba Libre" which is, of course, a rum-and-coke with lime.
The flip side reads: "Go Ahead".
I'd have gone with a motto that was a bit more dynamic. I can't imagine yelling "go ahead!" while making a charge but I wasn't there.
Maybe "Go ahead" sounded badass back then.
Below are the letters: "USV" for "U.S. Volunteers".
Next, since I've mentioned them twice, the first knucks I ever cast. Taken from a set graciously lent me by David Grant.
Very curvilinear and comfortable and, at six ounces, they're the heaviest I make.
For want of a better name, I call them "The Classic T-Handle" (Which I guess would be pronounced "thandle").
Next up: The side-dish accompanying the famous BC-41, knuckle-knife, discussed here.
I first learned of the BC-41, both knucks and knife, long ago from Don Rearic's website where the BC_41 knucks he pictured had rounded finger-loops.
The problem that developed from this is that I assumed that the rounded knucks were genuine.
Now, I have my doubts.
The only photo he'd posted of these knucks showed them with rounded finger-loops.
In no way am I casting aspersions on Mr. Rearic. It's just that every other photo I've seen - and they're really all the same photo, same two photos actually, found in the pattern-room files of some military establishment - show them with points.
I suspect that the rounded loops were a photo modification although, to me, it makes sense. I've never known exactly what it was that the spikes added in any case.
We're a full-service outfit and therefore, offer both.
From a set housed the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds, UK.
These are symmetrical and quite large.
The choice for those with giant mitts.
To introduce this next, I want to point out the obvious fact that historical examples of any of these could-have and would-have been used in warfare given the opportunity. Hell, that's what the BC-41 was made for.
However, the onliest knucks in my paltry stable which are possessed of any combat points whatsoever are the ones I call the "Kaiser's Oak Knuckles".
The photo of the, seriously distressed, cast-iron set that I copied these from was posted on my favorite, Great War, anorak site, The Great War Forum.
Based on where the poster found them, their previous owner, who by could have been either British or German and probably lost them sometime in connection with "Britain's Worst Day", July 1, 1916. The Somme offensive.
Our lad below served a bit North in a diversion, meant to make the Axis think that the main attack wasn't going to take place astride the river that gave the battle its name.
I pontificated re same previously here and, no, the special price, referred to in that post, has expired. Sorry.
And, last but not... Belay that. They probably are the least.
They're the lightest and smallest and are, along with the Kaiser's Oak, uncomfortable - although the Oak fits larger fingers.
I just don't think you want to slug anything very hard with them.
This is a historic design, at least a very old one.
According to the guy who runs the Yahoo group, Brassknucklecollectors, these pictured next, which originated in Hong Kong, he says may be hundreds of years old.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why the design is called a "screaming monkey".
Inboard finger-loops=eyes while outboard=ears.
Read for context re "the mouth".
I wish I'd made the term up but it was from an article written about brass-knuckle collecting back in the '80's.
This basic design is the basis for lots of other knucks - including every one that I make, save the T-handle.
So, some look like drunk monkeys, like spacing-out monkeys, laughing monkeys. You get the picture. They're monkeys.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...
The Screaming Monkey!
So that's our new Spring line.
in reality, this entire presentation is in aid of an upcoming event; one that's long (Nearly three years) overdue: an updating of my site... with attendant price... adjustments.
Baby needs a new pair of shoes... Hell, it's not just shoes. Jesus!
Baby needs socks, underwear, a quarter for popcorn on Wednesday...
It never ends.
She's insatiable.
Anyway, faithful customers, victimized though you are by her, you should despair not for I'm capricious by nature (Your diagnosis may vary) and will not leave you thinking ill of me, like I'm some sort of... capitalist.
Heaven forbid!
My caprice being at work (Chevy Caprice. She pulls down good bucks) I'm declaring that, from this day forth, Decoration Day, until the anniversary of "The Big Push" (aka Somme Offensive - spoken of above), which is to say:
Close of business 2400 hours (Pacific time) July 1, 2012, all knucks will be sold at the rate of: Any three for $100.
$35 singly if paid for through PayPal. Just for yucks, don't mention what you're paying for in the comments. It'd just be better.
And I cover shipping.
Now I realize that, at his point in time, my bulk offer may pose something of a dilemma for those struggling fiscally.
Decision gate.
In fact, for slightly less than what I'm asking for three, quality, solid, cast-brass knuckledusters you may choose instead, an aluminum one that you can put your iphone in.
An idea whose time has come... I guess.
I'm going to have trouble competing with this one but I'm in the R&D phase of a combination knuckleduster/swiffer that I'm thinking will be a big hit.
Not sure why, but the first photo reminds me of a Bat'leth.
ReplyDeleteI often wondered if it's mechanically possible to create rings that can lock into a knuckle set. The outer fingers would need to support the most protruding middle finger ring, or so goes guess. Maybe the rings could even be made to look harmless if turned, sporting four letters to deceive about their mechanical function, for example.
I first learned of the BC-41, both knucks and knife, long ago from Don ...
ReplyDeleteCan I still buy any?