Showing off... again.
Children who have recently struck out on their own to earn fame and fortune.
Offered without comment, mostly.
The above was loosely based on the Hells Belle Bowie. I've become very wary of duplicating contemporary knives as they rarely turn out as the customer expected.
This one was supposed to differ from the originals so, no worries about exactitude.
It is one of the more natural feeling knives I've ever made.
Very happy with it.
Yet another coffin-handle, this one based on a period example. Another knife supposedly carried by the slave-trading asshole whose name is given to this blade shape.
A smatchet with its scabbard, unfortunately caught naked.
A hybrid of the 1918 Mk1 mated with the Royal Armouries knucks for a reversible grip. Forged from a farrier's rasp.
Eek! A ghost.
Asked to provide a SFK with a white - ideally ivory - handle, I looked for sources of imitation ivory, went through an unfortunate (Waste of time) period of trying to fake it out of Fimo until I found the solution.
Hooray for Hollywood.
I can only preen over the knife. That's all I made while the sheath, someone else's work, is to die for.
Based on a real deal. The handle is dogwood, burned with circles as per the original.
A piece of copper tube heated and applied repeatedly. A slow process. If it comes up again, I'll figure out a way to keep the tube hot.
That's all, folks.