That actually sounds like it'd be a good band name. Like Jimmy Buffet only bleaker.
Short version: Al Gore got fat, a hurricane made landfall near New Orleans. Brownie did "a heck-of-a job" Remember the winning?
Finally folks got to go back home - after three months.
But there was a lurking monster in every house, two per household if they were affluent enough to own a freezer.
No need to look at that any further.
That's one that's open and thus is only marginally disgusting.
The real deal were the the ones that had been opened once - if at all - and then sent to live on a farm.
They turned into a sort of folk art as pictured below.
Following that, a few arithmetic facts.
Oh my God. That's a lot of dead reefers.
Also lots of old-school, ozone-killing, freon refrigerants to deal with in getting rid of them.
I'm sure our government was equal to it. We took care of business.
There weren't that many nasty home-appliances anyway...
Allowing a generic 30" x 30" footprint per unit - some will be bigger and some littler. And, in straining our visualization further, we're going to stand the chest freezers on end - just to keep it fair.
Before the mathematical punchline is delivered, please know: All the above biohazard "white goods" were so numerous and each such a stinky, dangerous pain in the ass that they just fucking buried the lot of them.
'Member our numbers?
30" x 30" ends up being six and a quarter square feet. That means, using my conservative estimate, this extemporaneous landfill covered 21 acres.
Just for fun, let's put all these units in a line; nut-to-butt, asshole-to-bellybutton, so we can walk over... hot lava, for instance.
You'd be able to safely traverse... seventy miles!
Is this a great country or what?
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