Having prevailed over temptation, I'll not tread into the fertile field which is the present, Social/Political goin's-on.
But there's some good shit out there.
Little Billy's not down with Hip Hop I guess. Now he's got a hard-on for Eminem. How dare he not take Sara Palin seriously?
Seriously. And how dare "the media" not rip him a new one?
Yo, Bill. See; "Public Figure" and how it relates to slander and libel - and - You are the media.
Dandy Don Rumsfeld's less-than-ecumenical, briefing cover-sheets are viewable here (courtesy of GQ of all things).
Finally, and best of all (I think) "The Story of Stuff".
It's a video I read about a few weeks ago that finally got around to watching.
It's made for kids so neo-cons should be able to struggle through it if they stop now and then and play duck, duck, goose - let off a little steam. It's a long time to have to sit still.
It (the video) has an agenda (duh). It's also way more than a little didactic but it's nicely done and not dumbed-down. I found little that I disagreed with and a bunch of stuff I'd never thought of..
I am a Marxist though. They made the best play-sets in the early sixties; funny movies too although that were before my time.
All I'll say further is this: Larry, the only non-Howard member of the LC&Moe Stooges, would love this.
Show off time.
A recently commisioned (and even more recently finished) replica of the personal knife of one 2dLt Clarence H. Tierney, First Special Service Force.
I cleverly posed it on an open copy the book with a photo of the original.
And - In so doing, I covered up the V42 on the oposite page.
Take that, Case Cutlery.
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