Anyway, gotta do something here.
Behold; a man out of his element.

I love this picture.
Here we see an officer (Check the Sam Brown), just hangin' with his boys whilst out on a working party.
The 'guv' has on the same "kit" as the lads although they seem to have loosened up their tunics a bit.
They seem a bit more disheveled.
Well... He's got mud on his boots - and it comes up over an inch!
And he's holding, unconvincingly - like a spear-carrier in a play - a shovel.
Now this is a man at work, serious work.
So, send your silly photographer away.
Except, I suspect that our photographer was a bit of a dick in his own right as he managed to get the dilettante's Cap and overcoat into the frame - far left.
Methinks he got there with the photographer.
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