This photo was sent to me yesterday by Long-Time-Customer-And-True, Stephen of Co. D, CS Marines, Mobile Ala.
I photo-tweaked it to feed my monstrous ego.

To the left, a smaller pic of a larger example of one of my knives.
I have no idea how many he's purchased over the years but it's more than two.
On a completely unrelated note;
A few years ago, I managed to get back in contact with Carlos, a compatriot from my long-ago national Guard days.
Through him I was reacquainted with George - who died of cancer a month later.
Carlos killed himself a few months back.
So, I'm even more nostalgic for those old days and missing some of the folks.
To this end, any Southern Oregon gun nuts who may know Donald "Curly" Jensen, please let him know that I'd like to get in tough with him.
Latest news I could find was that he was in charge of gun sales for the Gunner's Club in Ashland.
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