Lot's of different pics of this sign.

Lot's of different pics of this sign.
"I don't make hell for nobody. I'm only the instrument of a laughing providence. Sometimes I don't like it myself, but I couldn't help it if I was born smart."

1st Sgt. Milton Anthony Warden.
"From here to Eternity"

Paul Valery

"You are in love with intelligence, until it frightens you. For your ideas are terrifying and your hearts are faint. Your acts of pity and cruelty are absurd, committed with no calm, as if they were irresistible. Finally, you fear blood more and more. Blood and time."

The Wisdom of the Ages

"When a young man, I read somewhere the following: God the Almighty said, 'All that is too complex is unnecessary, and it is simple that is needed',"

Mikhail Kalashnikov
"Here lies the bravest soldier I've seen since my mirror got grease on it."

Zapp Brannigan

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Iceman Choppeth

Okay, phase two. After the fortuitous events leading to my melting contaminated (Tin and antimony) copper and the resultant, resounding success I chose to accept my sorry luck and pursued the idea.
Pictured above: two that you've seen and two you haven't. On the far left, my original wooden pattern that you last saw keeping my beer company. Second from the right is the copper casting seen at the close of the post previous after having been cleaned-up and "worked".
And work it I did. See, my man Konrad reckoned, and I think correctly, that the maker of Otzi's axe had peened in the two, long sides which not only gave it a sexy shape but also raised the two flanges you see on the surface. Told you last time to remember the flanges.
See, the layout was as pictured. The butt-end of the blade is glued into a cleft cut into the wood and the whole mess is then wrapped in rawhide.
Being that this is a striking tool, there's no brain-strain in seeing how handy those flanges were in the finished product. We'll talk about flanges again.
Back to the top picture; you'll notice my first pattern, far left, was made with a certain amount of the sexy curve down both sides already in place. Mistake. It made the entire thing too skinny as you can see, so...
Second from the left; my new pattern. Everything is beefed-up a bit to allow for metal shrinkage and, most importantly, other than the slight curve on the cutting edge, the shape is a straight-sided trapezoid.
The end result is the little spud you see both at the end of the line-up above - and below.
I melted some more wire to up my purity level so I was blessed with a casting flaw. It appears to be a slag inclusion. Nothing to make a song about.
So, I took the chunk pictured above (Weighs just under half a pound) and worked down the two sides.
Now, there she is above. On the original, Konrad wrote the two sides had been worked down into three "facets" which I take to mean; the flat surface of the side with a slope hammered into it along each edge. The beauty part is that it raises the flanges even more.
Notice above, post hammering the surface seems to have hives. Those appear to be blisters (bubbles?) which I assume means some impurity in the metal showing up as a plane of weakness when the copper was compressed. Still naught to make a song about.
Gratuitous, hot-metal shot.
I'd been worried that my beating had over-hardened it so I annealed it and beat on it some more.
One more glam shot of Otzi's axe, just after quenching.
More about the flanges later.

1 comment:

Jimh. said...

Dammit. Now I gotta wait.

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