To be so utterly tone deaf regarding the terminologies they come up with...
"Teabagging". Could ya die?
Here's a snippet from the movie that introduced the term and practice to a wider audience - if "wider audience" can even be applied to John Waters' viewers.
The movie; "Pecker".
And check out this guy. He spelled "descent" correctly. It's just that I think he was thinking "dissent".
It's the shits that Sharpies don't come with Spellcheck - although "descent" would still have slipped through.
The photo, from an episode of teabaggery committed in Indiana this past week.
To read more.

Sorry I've been so long.
I quite simply fell into the trap of seeing how many clicks I got each day from "I've run into this moron".
Silly I know but... In fact, I take a pride in that.
Helpful editing interjection: Larry spelled the contraction of "I Have" as "ive".
I am somewhat concerned about his overuse of the word "moron". There are other insults you know, many of which are even easier to pronounce/spell - like "dork".
Anyway, Hi, Larry. Stop by again - and thanks for your comment. Good for you.
Sorry the whole "service and sacrifice" thing didn't work out for you. You're golden.
But still, my moron status notwithstanding, imbeciles (One degree dumber than morons - look it up) still keep linking back to me. Only one yesterday though so I guess it's slackening.
Larry must have waxed quite eloquent. I'd go and read his latest "fisking" of me but that would require me giving a shit. Not something that I'd do.

There's a title that'll bring 'em in.
Vague yet... provocative.
The knife, pictured above, is a fanny.
It's not my fanny of course. Rather it's a staged recreation of what was reported to be a postcard from the Cairo Police Museum, circa 1920's.
No Ma'am, not Cairo, Illinois.
Anyway, this odd little knife (the original "fanny" was smaller than as pictured), as part of the collection of the museum mentioned above, apparently interested someone in the British military procurement business.
Of the several British commando units formed at the outset of WW2 one, the locally recruited "Middle East Commandos", were issued this knife.
For reasons seemingly known to no one, in Cairo this knife was called a "fanny", and... that's all there is to it.
I like to think that there's a cool Egyptian pronunciation to dilute some of the silliness 'cause otherwise...
Used in a sentence:
"Yo, he's all up in my grill, yelling and waving his fanny around..."
It's a bad name for it.

There! I've done it. I've posted a picture of my fanny - in a sheath at least - I do have some decency (enough to quit milking this joke? maybe).
And, pictured below, the unsheathed, read: naked, Middle East Commando Knife - as imperfectly interpreted by yours truly.

No more fanny jokes.
Anyway, it's an odd knife. It's bigger than a BC 41 but smaller than a USMC M2.
The weirdest thing is the orientation of the blade to the hand.
It's as if the blade were moved upwards an inch or so from the grip.
It feels strange to me but people who've stabbed more folks than I have (in that they may have stabbed any) seemed to find it a good design.
Who am I to argue?

Finally, a helpful ( I hope ) visual aid, illustrating my observation on the grip.
The lower image is the knife with all extraneous, knuckle-duster bits taken away.
The translucent green wienie represents where a more conventional grip would fall relative to the blade.
Strangest knuckle knife yet?
Probably not.
My father was issued with a fanny knife when he served with the SAS in the Western desert in WW2. It's now a family heirloom. IAN
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